We are sad to announce the death of George Arthur, who served WGCCC for many years as player and administrator and was elected as a Life Member of the Club in 1985.
George's funeral will be on Monday 17th February at 11am at St John’s Church, Lemsford, AL8 7TR
Followed by refreshments at Welwyn Garden City Cricket Club, Knightsfield, Welwyn Garden City, AL8 7NQ
Forgive the presumption, but the only flowers we are planning are from the immediate family. However, if you wish to do something in George’s memory, please send a donation to Isabel Hospice, Welwyn Garden City, Herts AL7 1JR.
Many thanks
Elizabeth, Jim, Louise and Juliet
A tribute from John Adams (former Club President):
The very, very sad news of the death of George Arthur leaves us, I think, with a double loss. We have lost a true and delightful gentleman and we have also lost a link with the past.
Everyone will have their favourite reminiscences of George depending perhaps, upon their age. You may recall him as a more than useful player; as a captain, particularly of the 3rd XI which he, in effect, founded; as an able, effective and extremely conscientious administrator both for the Club and for the DPSA; as an umpire; or perhaps just for his enthusiasm and encouragement; for the stories and the famous recitations; or, just for standing at the bar smiling and chatting… and being George.
George was one of the first people I met when I joined the Club in 1971 and I remember thinking that here was a very nice man, a decent man…a “proper chap”.
In the forty-odd years that have passed I have never had cause to revise that opinion. And I have never met anyone who thought differently.
But I think there is something more. George was, of course, a link to past: the history of the Club (obviously) but also to the way that the game was played in the past.
I sensed that George loved cricket not just because it was an exciting test of skill, nor just because of the competitive element (no fading flower, George, he loved a close hard-fought competitive game) but because cricket - the cricket that George played - was a game of values, a game of sportsmanship and decency. Could anyone even imagine George claiming a catch that he didn’t take, or remaining at the crease when he’d snicked it behind? No. Or abusing an opponent or an official? Of course not. Why would anybody want to play sport like that?
In losing George the Cricket Club has lost a great character, a great supporter and a great friend. It has also lost someone who exemplified and in a sense personified the spirit of the game.
John Adams